For drink OEM, leave it to us! We also accept OEM drinks using "RG92 extract, an ingredient derived from hot spring algae"!
We develop and undertake contract manufacturing of soft drinks (health/nourishment/beauty drinks, etc.). We can handle short-term production volumes ranging from small lots to medium scale. With a history spanning over 50 years, we have a track record of manufacturing numerous products as a hit manufacturer of health foods. Head Office: 9-35 Kaminobori-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City (affiliated company Kotobuki Co., Ltd.): 2990-1 Oaza, Yuki-cho, Saeki-ku, Hiroshima City Health supplement GMP certified factory Fillable containers Small bottles (30mL, 50mL) Medium&large bottles (300mL,500mL, 720mL, 900mL) Paper aluminum pack (300mL, 500mL, 720mL, 1,000mL, 900mL, 1,800mL) three-sided seal (2.5mL~30mL)