Myria Group Corporation
We develop and undertake contract manufacturing of soft drinks (health/nourishment/beauty drinks, etc.). We can handle short-term production volumes ranging from small lots to medium scale. With a history spanning over 50 years, we have a track record of manufacturing numerous products as a hit manufacturer of health foods. Head Office: 9-35 Kaminobori-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City (affiliated company Kotobuki Co., Ltd.): 2990-1 Oaza, Yuki-cho, Saeki-ku, Hiroshima City Health supplement GMP certified factory Fillable containers Small bottles (30mL, 50mL) Medium&large bottles (300mL,500mL, 720mL, 900mL) Paper aluminum pack (300mL, 500mL, 720mL, 1,000mL, 900mL, 1,800mL) three-sided seal (2.5mL~30mL)